You can now build your own filter from scratch based on the parameters that you have in mind.
Click on Add Filter > Custom to get started with building your own filter with parameters of your choice. You can click on 'See Examples' to view the parameters for a sample filter.

Once you have defined the parameters, you can verify the values and then click on 'Create & Add Filter' to save it. You can also change the name of the filter at the top left. 

The filters created by you appear under a separate category titled 'Your filters' in the list of filters.

Editing and Deleting Filters

Hovering over the filter displays the edit icon at the right. Once you click on the edit icon, you can change the name of your filter at the top left or delete it by clicking on 'Delete' button at the top right.

If you're on the basic version of Tickertape screener, you can create & add upto 3 custom filters. To save more than 3 custom filters, you will need a Tickertape Pro subscription.